Lada Maximova's Photo

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  • 12 references 12 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Russian, Spanish; learning French, Portuguese, Spanish
  • 28, Female
  • Member since 2018
  • student
  • Saint-Petersburg State University, Department of Philosip...
  • From Irkutsk, Irkutsk Oblast, Russian Federation
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Hello, world!

If you want to be my guest, please, make a personalised request. It doesn't have to be long and complimentary l just want to see that you are addressing me personally (targeting people, not just their couches) 🐣

Товарищи! Я безжалостно отклоняю все скучные запросы, заподозренные в копипасте. Чтобы такого не произошло с вашим, как минимум, обратитесь ко мне по имени

So, who the hell am l? (l wonder sometimes) Let's start from the beginning... I was born in a nice Siberian city called Irkutsk next to the lake Baikal. Currently I'm living in Saint Petersburg and have just got my bachelor degree in cultural studies and heritage management. That means l love my culture and my city on the professionally qualified level and can share my love and my knowledge with you (and l will be happy if you share yours in return). I'm an open minded person, l like to go deeper into the matters that interest me and sometimes ask 'weird' questions.
Being russian my usual face expression might seem way too serious, but please, don't buy it: if you know me a tiny bit you'll discover that l don't really qualify as a grumpy serious person.

Well, what else can l say... l can really appreciate a nice company of some fun and interesting individuals, so if you can pass for one...

a) you are welcome at my place!


c) let's hang out sometime!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Of couse, as many on here, I'm interested in couch exchange as well as in cultural one. Meeting people from all over the world, helping out and all this jazz couchsurfing is promoting. But the person who brought me into the community was "The Host Of Barcelona And All The Surrounding Grounds" - Peru (I'm proud to have not one but two references from him)


  • yoga
  • reading
  • computer science
  • cultural studies
  • philosophy
  • art
  • nature
  • chilling
  • hicking
  • tree hugging
  • dancing salsa
  • travelling (obviously)
  • trying to play bass
  • staring at the buildings l find pretty

Music, Movies, and Books

Films: Rashômon by Kurosawa, Underground by Kusturica, Love and Death by Woodie Allen, Big Lebowski by Coen Brothers

Books: Master and Margarita by Bulgakov, Idiot by Dostoyevsky, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ by Saramago, some short stories by Borges, The Order of Things by Foucault and more that I'm too lazy to list here, but will gladly discuss with you if you're interested

Music: my tastes vary from baroque to rock, from some ethnic themes to techno, from jazz to indie. There's total anarchy on my playlist.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I have a talent for getting lost in new places and ending up finding cool stuff

Teach, Learn, Share


l can give you my recipes of Eastern European dishes, I can also teach you some basic or advanced Russian. Or share the knowledge l acquired on my "wannabe zero-waste" quest. Plus, since l studied a weird mix of history, art and philosophy in the uni we can have a nice conversation over some related topic.


I'm a fan of learning stuff. You never know what kind of knowledge would totally redefine your life perspective nor what kind of skill would make a great use to you some day. So, if you can teach me anything, please do! Even if (and especially) it's just some silly phrase in your mother tongue (I collect them.. kind of). Currently I am learning Spanish and Python coding - some help in these areas will be very much appreciated!


Here on couchsurfing I'm sharing the most valuable essence I have, which is my time... and such silly things as my apartment and food

What I Can Share with Hosts

1) My respect and tons of gratitude!

2) Help around the house

3) If threre's any beets and cabbages around l can cook some cool vegitarian borsch.. or other slavic dishes

4) I can teach you some Russian

5) And, of course, a currency of couchsurfing - stories!

6) Well, and a company of my fabulous self

Countries I’ve Visited

Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Spain, Sweden, Thailand

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