Jolyn Chua's Photo

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  • 64 references 47 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Chinese (Simplified), English; learning Spanish
  • 35, Female
  • Member since 2012
  • Discovery Channel Marketer & Climbing Instructor
  • Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Marketing
  • From Singapore
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

[2022 update] In Africa touring in our land cruiser till mid November 2022 - let’s meet up after i’m back!

Free-spirited, curious, geeky.

Love the couchsurfing community, made some great friends here and i appreciate the open-mindedness and world views many members have

2014 marks the year i solo-ed the Thorong La pass (5, 400 m, 17, 700 ft) in the Annapurna Circuit

To live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

My first couchsurfing experience was accidental - I was looking for locals to have coffee with in Wellington and ended up receiving an invite to live on an airfield. Had a ball of a time and haven't looked back since.

I would love to show you around this red dot if you enjoy hanging out with locals instead of herded around in a tour group (with flags, stickers and sometimes caps to boot).

Even if we don't get to hang out (probably because i'm travelling), just note two things about SG:
Don't leave Singapore without trying durian and chilli crab! And if you're sitting in a hawker centre and there are tourists to your left and right - get up and RUN, because you are going to get ripped off on sub-standard local fare.


Trekking, rock climbing, horse riding and gaming (dota2, wow, guild get the gist) count towards my main hobbies. Love landscape photography as well

  • cooking
  • recipes
  • coffee
  • yoga
  • running
  • instructor
  • gardening
  • traveling
  • skydiving
  • track and field
  • paragliding

Music, Movies, and Books

Movies: LOTR, Star Wars, everything by Hayao Miyazaki, Avengers

Books: Robert Jordan, Patrick Rothfuss, Terry Brooks, Harry Potter, Psychology, Behavioural Economics

Music: Mainstream, Rock, Yiruma, Celtic

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Playing with snow in the Swiss Alps, and building the first snowman in my life. Coming from a tiny tropical city, my childhood was always spent in eternal summers, or monsoons during later part of the year. It is such a simple activity, but frolicking in the fresh snow felt like reclaiming a childhood memory that i never had.

And the taking in that double rainbow while up on the Kepler track in New Zealand was a moment i could have died happy.

Snorkelling in Tioman - the underwater garden is gorgeous and you shouldn't miss it
Hang-gliding in Interlaken, Switzerland
15-hour roadtrip in a single day on Highway 1, West Coast USA
Gliding, skydiving, tramping in New Zealand

Teach, Learn, Share

Teach me more Spanish please :D

Definitely can share my experiences across the countries i've been to, as well as skills or tips a digital marketeer

What I Can Share with Hosts

I can't profess to be the best cook (unless i have the recipes and ingredients on hand), but i've had fun cooking with hosts and other surfers, sharing stories, going on adventures together and well, creating unforgettable memories!

Countries I’ve Visited

Australia, Austria, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Malawi, Malaysia, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Viet Nam, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Countries I’ve Lived In

Chile, Singapore, South Korea

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