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Фотографии пользователя SANMIT CHATTERJEE

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  • 1 отзыв 1 Подтвержденные хостом и гостем
  • Знает Bengali, Bangla, English, Hindi; изучает French
  • 34, Мужской
  • Пользователь с 2019
  • Research Scholar
  • Pursuing Ph.D. in Women's Studies
  • Из Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Профиль заполнен на 90%

Обо мне

I am research scholar from Kolkata, India. Currently I am enrolled as a Ph.D. candidate at the department of Women's Studies, Jadavpur University. What are the three things that I love? Books, movies, and meeting new people. I like falling into conversation with people, I like spontaneity. From history f science to literature, European movies to Indian New wave, from history of different cities to feminist theory - my interest has taken me to explore different corners of the scholarly terrain. Every new book, every new movie feels like an uncharted territory to me. I might not have visited many places in the world but in order have a good time, sometimes all you need is couch to lie down upon and a book in your hands. And that is the kind of person that I am.

Что привело меня на Couchsurfing

while visiting certain places (Especially in the hilly regions of India), I have always felt that staying with the local people can give you a different experience altogether. Sharing a place with someone belonging to a different culture, taking part in their household activities can provide one a novel insight. And that is precisely what I am looking for.

And even though I do not have a place of my own and I will not be able to host anyone, I would love to be your travel guide for a day if you ever visit my city.


  • books
  • movies

Музыка, кино и книги

Music- Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, , Rabindranath Thakur, Kabir Suman, Joan Baez.

Books - Milan Kundera, JM Coetzee, Jack Kerouac, Judith Butler and the famous french trio - foucault, lacan, derrida :-)

Movies - Stanley Kubrick, Jafar Panahi, Lav Diaz, Truffaut, Scorsese , Kieslowski, Dardenne brothers, Coen Brothers, Costa Gavras, Satyajit Roy, Ritwik Ghatak, John Abraham, Hitchcock, Fritz Lang , Ken Loach, Andre Wajda amongst others

Чем я могу поделиться с хостами

My culture, my singular experiences. Also, I like playing guitar. So If you like music and have a guitar at your place, I would love to play/sing together.

Где я побывал(-а)

Nepal, United States

Где я жил(-а)


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