Fotos de Stephen Phillip

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Únete a Couchsurfing para ver el perfil completo de Stephen.


  • 8 recomendaciones 6 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English; está aprendiendo Portuguese, Spanish
  • 33, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2012
  • Software engineer
  • Graduated from University of Wisconsin Madison in Finance...
  • De Milwaukee, WI, USA
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí


Trying to connect skiers and snowboarders through the app SkiBuds.


I really enjoy everything to do with water, snow, and ice. No where I would rather be than on a board- Wakeboarding, snowboarding, long boarding. I also really enjoy to go scuba diving and living under the water. I have traveled various places throughout my life and everytime I am traveling I hear about more and more cool places I didn't know existed and am constantly planning my next trip.

Pretty big into sports as well. Huge hockey and American football fan as well as all Badger sports.

I first started couch surfing in Brazil. The friends I have made and the people I have met will always have an impact on my life.


Go big or go home

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing


Learning as much about other people and cultures as I can. I enjoy getting to meet people who have a knowledge about where I'm traveling and are able to show me places I would have never known existed by looking online or staying at hostels. I enjoy hearing about other peoples travels.


6 experiences Couchsurfing! All extremely different and each was very rewarding. Met some awesome people along the way, ate the best food, and some awesome nights out!


Sports, Movies, Music, Traveling, Technology, Business

Música, películas y libros

Hip-hop, Rap, Electronic, Funky

All movies especially comedy and action

Algo increíble que he hecho

All 50 states
Death road, Bolivia
AOW scuba diver
5/7 wonders of the world + honorary wonder
Working on my pilots license

Enseña, aprende, comparte

I want to learn portuguese and spanish and experience new cultures

I can share my views and opinions on different things I have experienced in the world. I have traveled to many countries and have had many experiences, both good and bad.

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

Can share about skiing and snowboarding experiences/ places to go, kiteboarding, coding knowledge

Países que he visitado

Argentina, Australia, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Egypt, France, Honduras, Iceland, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Laos, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, United States, Uruguay, Vatican City State, Virgin Islands, British

Países en los que he vivido

Brazil, United States

Insignias antiguas

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